For several years now I have been in a sort of fog. I won’t say I’ve been unable to write, because I have been writing – religiously. But I have been unable to finish anything. I hate using the term “writers block.” For some reason, it feels like a copout. But I don’t know what else to call it. So, I tried to stop. I really did. I told myself, “Well maybe I’ve told all the stories I had to tell.” I mean, it happens. Some of the best books I’ve ever read have been from authors who’ve written one or two books and then just kinda disappeared for one reason or another. Maybe God was telling me my season was over.
The problem was, I couldn’t stop. So many times, I’d find myself sitting I front of my computer with a ½ written page of some new idea on the screen . . . and that little cursor prompt would be sitting there . . . pissing me off because I couldn’t think of what came next. Or, I’d be driving home from the day job, listening to the radio and some song would come on that would immediately bring to mind a couple – fully formed, complete with personality and lives. I’d get that BUZZ – it’s a feeling I can’t really explain, but you know you’re on to something. I’ve even been known to pull over in mid-drive, so I could write it all down, so afraid I’m going to lose them. And yet still, by the time I sat down to tell their story something would happen. I would lose my momentum, my enthusiasm, my direction.
I’ve been to many reader/writer conferences over the years and have been blessed to meet many of my SHEroes in person – legends in the Romance Writing Universe. Women from every walk of life imaginable and even the occasional man. One thing I’ve noticed the most successful ones have in common is the attitude that: WRITING IS A JOB. It’s okay to be passionate about your job; it’s wonderful that your job gives you a creative outlet – but it’s still a job and you need to treat it like a job. And my inability to do my job made me feel like a failure. Or worse, a fraud.
Then one day recently my ½ page turned into a whole page and then two pages and then a chapter and so on and so forth. And folks . . . I cannot explain why! There was no major change in my life, routine, or circumstance. No epiphany or revelation revealing the problem. One day I couldn’t finish anything – and then one day I could – simple as that.
So, I’ve decided to chalk it up to “God works in mysterious ways”. And to say my silent thank you to The Higher Power for allowing me to continue doing this thing I love so much. I don’t know how long it’s going to last or where it’s going to lead but for right now the road ahead is clear and I’m cruising along. So, stay tuned!
The problem was, I couldn’t stop. So many times, I’d find myself sitting I front of my computer with a ½ written page of some new idea on the screen . . . and that little cursor prompt would be sitting there . . . pissing me off because I couldn’t think of what came next. Or, I’d be driving home from the day job, listening to the radio and some song would come on that would immediately bring to mind a couple – fully formed, complete with personality and lives. I’d get that BUZZ – it’s a feeling I can’t really explain, but you know you’re on to something. I’ve even been known to pull over in mid-drive, so I could write it all down, so afraid I’m going to lose them. And yet still, by the time I sat down to tell their story something would happen. I would lose my momentum, my enthusiasm, my direction.
I’ve been to many reader/writer conferences over the years and have been blessed to meet many of my SHEroes in person – legends in the Romance Writing Universe. Women from every walk of life imaginable and even the occasional man. One thing I’ve noticed the most successful ones have in common is the attitude that: WRITING IS A JOB. It’s okay to be passionate about your job; it’s wonderful that your job gives you a creative outlet – but it’s still a job and you need to treat it like a job. And my inability to do my job made me feel like a failure. Or worse, a fraud.
Then one day recently my ½ page turned into a whole page and then two pages and then a chapter and so on and so forth. And folks . . . I cannot explain why! There was no major change in my life, routine, or circumstance. No epiphany or revelation revealing the problem. One day I couldn’t finish anything – and then one day I could – simple as that.
So, I’ve decided to chalk it up to “God works in mysterious ways”. And to say my silent thank you to The Higher Power for allowing me to continue doing this thing I love so much. I don’t know how long it’s going to last or where it’s going to lead but for right now the road ahead is clear and I’m cruising along. So, stay tuned!